Wednesday, June 19, 2024

The endless possibilities of CANVA

 I had the opportunity to check out the research my classmate did on Canva. As an instructor Canva has given me a free premium account to use for educational purposes. I have used Canva on and off but didn't realize how much Cavnva had to offer

Visual Suite

I do not feel that I am a "creative" person. Any help is appreciated from someone more creative. I played around with Magic Studio after reading about it in the research. I used the Magic Write. It asked me to write five words about what I want to write as a prompt. I chose "blog about the power Canva." Canva responded with a four paragraph essay about the benefits of Canva. Below is the conclusion from the four paragraphs.

In conclusion, Canva's power lies in its ability to make professional-grade design accessible to everyone. Its user-friendly interface, extensive library of resources, and collaborative features make it an invaluable tool for creating visually compelling content. Whether you're a small business owner looking to enhance your brand's online presence or an individual wanting to add a creative touch to personal projects, Canva provides the tools and resources necessary to bring your vision to life.

The  nice thing is Canva says students do not have access to the magic write. It is designed to help teachers be more efficient. I did notice that there was also Resize & Magic Switch, Magic Animate, and Magic Morph. 

Organizational Chart

I was having trouble locating the exact same organization chart as my classmate but the their are tons of options to choose from. They look a lot more fancy than Word's charts. However, it remains to be seen how easy they can be manipulated to add more people or levels.  

Canva Education

Anything that helps teachers keep track of all the students progress is a benefit to me. No two students are ever exactly the same in their progress. I could see how a gnatt chart could help teachers keep track of progress. There was also a lot of other ways teacher can use Canva to help the teacher be more efficient. I saw job charts, reward charts, visual lesson charts, etc.

I think the biggest benefit would be teacher teams. Working with other teacher, building their professional network, learning from other is always a plus. 

In all I think Canva can be a valuable tool. 

Here are some of the things I have done.

Created for this class.

                                            Created for are annual car wash fundraiser.

                        I created this to add to my CANVAS Lms page for my class I was teaching.


Monday, June 3, 2024

A rookie blogger's take on AI

 This weeks lesson was on chatbots and AI. I will say this subject has always fascinated me. I love my Alexa as much as my husband hates Alexa. Alexa answers questions, keeps my shopping list, and even makes fart sounds for my 12 year old son. The kids have google minis that they were gifted they can play music, have it read books, answer questions. Today I used the Delta chat system and after answering the AI questions it guided me to the person that could help me (or in my case told me no). 

I love what chatbots represent. They have the ability to make our lives easier by answering questions, taking care of repetitive tasks, helping us with homework, etc. AI can be a powerful tool in our toolboxes. However, like all technology there comes a point when we can abuse it. When we have chatbots do our work and write it off as our own then we may be taking things to far. Chatbots are drawing their data from sources that may not be the most reputable. Businesses are now providing AI training to employees to make sure they are not giving it sensitive information that can then be spread around withing the AI network.

However, used properly and AI can be used to make work more efficient. Many companies are using AI to scan resumes for keywords to help streamline the process. AI can be sued to tailor individualized training to employees so they are getting trained on what they need. Heck even my college now has a chatbot called "Nic" to help answer questions on its website. 

Below for your entertainment I put the same question in three different chatbots just to see the answers:

Write a blog post about generative AI/chatbots for beginner users and how they can benefit from chatbots in three paragraphs. [voice and style: reply in a freshman college level]


Generative AI and chatbots might sound complicated, but they're actually pretty simple and incredibly useful tools that can make your life a lot easier. Essentially, these are advanced computer programs designed to simulate human conversation. They can answer questions, help you with tasks, and even hold a conversation with you. For instance, if you've ever chatted with a customer service bot on a website or asked Siri or Alexa for information, you've used a chatbot!

As a beginner, you can benefit from chatbots in many ways. Imagine having a personal assistant available 24/7. Need help with homework? Educational chatbots can explain concepts, provide practice problems, and even quiz you. Struggling to stay organized? Productivity bots can remind you of deadlines, schedule your study sessions, and keep track of your to-do lists. They can also help you stay healthy by suggesting workout routines or meal plans tailored to your preferences.

The best part is that chatbots are getting smarter all the time. They learn from every interaction, which means the more you use them, the better they get at helping you. Whether it's managing your daily tasks, learning something new, or just having a friendly chat when you're feeling bored, chatbots can be a valuable companion in your college journey. So, give them a try and see how they can simplify your life!


Chatbots: More Than Just Virtual Pals

Ever chatted with a computer that felt like it actually understood you? That's the magic of generative AI chatbots! These brainy bots use artificial intelligence to whip up conversations that are way more interesting than the "press 1 for English" days. But forget fancy robots taking over the world (phew!), chatbots are actually here to make our lives easier.

Think of a chatbot as a super-powered search engine that can have a real conversation. Stuck on a history paper? A chatbot can brainstorm ideas, find sources, and even help you structure your essay. Feeling overwhelmed by coding? A chatbot tutor can explain concepts in a clear way, answer your questions, and even give you practice problems.

So, how can you, as a college freshman, jump on the chatbot bandwagon? Many universities and online platforms are already using chatbots to answer frequently asked questions, provide tech support, or even help you navigate campus resources. Next time you're stuck, don't just Google it – chat it out with a friendly AI and see where the conversation leads!

Certainly! Let’s explore the fascinating world of generative AI and chatbots, especially for beginners. In this blog post, we’ll delve into what generative AI is, its benefits, and how it can enhance user experiences.

 Microsoft Copilot

Generative AI: Unleashing Creativity and Efficiency

Generative AI, a branch of artificial intelligence, is all about creating fresh and original content. Unlike traditional AI models that rely on existing data, generative AI generates something entirely new. It’s like having an imaginative artist in the digital realm. How does it work? By training on vast datasets—images, text, audio, you name it—generative AI learns patterns and structures. Armed with this knowledge, it crafts novel content, whether it’s unique artworks, music, or even virtual worlds1.

Benefits of Generative AI

  1. Creativity and Innovation: Generative AI fuels creativity. Imagine artists exploring uncharted territories, designers crafting logos that defy convention, and writers penning stories that surprise and delight. It’s a playground for innovation.

  2. Time and Cost Efficiency: Automation is generative AI’s superpower. It churns out personalized advertisements, social media posts, and marketing materials, saving precious time and resources. No more manual content creation—let the bots handle it!

  3. Scalability and Adaptability: Dynamic industries need adaptable solutions. Generative AI scales effortlessly, handling large volumes of content generation tasks. Think agencies, customer support teams, and entertainment companies.

  4. Customization and Personalization: Tailoring content to individual preferences is where generative AI shines. In e-commerce, it crafts personalized product recommendations, virtual try-on experiences, and shopping journeys. Customers feel seen and heard1.

Chatbots: Your 24/7 Digital Assistants

Now, let’s talk chatbots. These digital companions, powered by generative AI, offer a superior customer experience. Here’s how:

  1. Instant Support: Chatbots are always on, ready to answer queries. Whether it’s 3 AM or noon, they’ve got your back.

  2. Personalization: These bots speak your language—literally. Industry-specific intents and lexicons make conversations feel natural. They recommend products, guide users, and maintain a friendly tone2.

  3. Efficiency: Chatbots juggle multiple queries simultaneously. No more waiting in line. They streamline operations by collecting and analyzing customer interaction data.

  4. Security: New capabilities emerge. Chatbots enhance security protocols, safeguarding sensitive information.

In summary, generative AI and chatbots are game-changers. They boost creativity, efficiency, and customer satisfaction. So, whether you’re an artist, a business owner, or a curious beginner, embrace the AI revolution—it’s here to sta.

Friday, May 31, 2024

What the heck is pressbooks?

 This week we were task to write about a technology tool that helps/supports people in their learning. I am choosing to write about a tool that my college has been talking about for several years but is not something I have used. It is no doubt college is expensive. It is not just the tuition, but you have room and board, fees, and books. said the average undergraduate pays between $339-$600 for books. Ouch!

For anyone who has gone to college then you have experienced the professors who didn't even use the textbook but made you buy it. It was also ridiculous when we had to buy the newest addition everytime they updated the textbook. I would often rent/buy used but sometimes the accessories where not  guaranteed so I had to buy new. 


College is expensive enough without all these additional fees. My college encourages Open Educational Resources (OER) which is "are learning, teaching and research materials in any format and medium that reside in the public domain or are under copyright that have been released under an open license, that permit no-cost access, re-use, re-purpose, adaptation and redistribution by others." Basically we are encouraging professors to use open resources that are free for students to access.


One of the resources we have is called Pressbooks Pressbooks is a user friendly publishing platform educators can use to create, share, adapt web-books. Essentially educators can create educational books that can be used among educators for their audience. For example someone teaching a human resource management class could either write a book on HRM or use a books someone else has created. Students then has access to the book for free on the open market. 

Anyone can use OER materials. Someone can use them to gain new knowledge, expand on old knowledge. or anything else. I googled OER human resource and came up with OER Commons. When I checked out the site I got multiple resources for human resources. These would be valuable to learn in any classroom.


The endless possibilities of CANVA

 I had the opportunity to check out the research my classmate did on Canva. As an instructor Canva has given me a free premium account to us...